Bath Blue Bird Yoga and Meditation Retreat - Barbados
a retreat in honour of Aqua ~ a blue bird visitor from beyond
Sitting high upon a Blue Bird Blue House, at Bath Beach, Barbados, peering over the weathered wooden blue and white balcony railing, I feel so much gratitude.
The breeze from the Atlantic, from Africa, fresh and cool, moves my hair bringing with it the whispers of the wind.
The early morning light, rising up from the East adds a shimmering silver gold movement across the ocean’s face.
Blue House Sanctuary
blue bird perch
The wave’s bass tone, one extended note, backing up the rustling of the Casuarina branches with the chirps from the winged ones.
It all comes together in a symphony of nature.
One note of eternity.
And I “a Blue Bird”.
Perched happily on my tree house branch.
Our meditation began in the darkness of night huddled in a circle on a flattened boulder on the water’s edge.
The First Nations shamans beat the sounds of Great Mother’s heart beat on the night of a Wolf Moon, Blood Moon, Blue Moon.
As we drummed in the energy of love, softly in the background the sweetness from a Native American flutist rose up like an unfolding rose flower, her voice filled the moment with blessings.
we luna drummed
Her tune willed the white face of Grandmother’s drum to join in our song.
We journeyed with the shamans on the backs of Blue Birds entering her moon temple, flying out on rainbow trails to Sirius and Canis Major, barking with the dogs, visiting our seven sisters at Pleiades and on to other Star Nations.
Grandmother’s luna light pulled the tides out and the stone people raised up above the water inviting us out for a silver speckled reef walk.
Moon Walk
My mother came to visit bringing to our wooden shack, her fire of courage. As we sat drinking port alone on this isolated beach front.
She reminded me of her strength, the strength it took to raise two daughters alone in a foreign land. The goblins of fear echoed by the well intentioned, was silenced in one slice, the head of fear decapitated. We sat under the stars with Koda, our earth wolf, our German Shepherd, our protector, holding our space.
This time with my mama, a time out of time, we spoke in the present, without time harassing us with other agendas, we were like the port, sweet, to be sipped and savoured slowly.
Koda the wolf
Our Blue Bird sisters arrived for an overnight retreat. Downward Dog honoured the journey over the hill to the side of stillness.
We drummed our medicine circle calling the rebirth of the East, gifted we were with a beautiful Goddess carrying her babe.
the blue birds arrive
sage drum
We giggled to the South calling in the Coyote, the Trickster, to laugh away our egos.
our tree nymph
Stretching out on our boards we surfed our wave up to the West where introspection enabled us to hear and integrate our voices of fear and love.
sage dance
From form to formless, the steam wafted up to the North and we communed with our ancestors, our guides, our loved ones, the Elders of the North, quietly directed our focus.
healing tree
dreams really do come true!
We set off on a breezy Sunday afternoon, it was time for a family jaunt with our guest of honour, my daughter’s boyfriend’s bull terrier, Brock.
We manoeuvred through a rocky seaside walk, sliding on the mud, ducking above, stooping below wrapping around the Bath coastline. Aghast at the plastic garbage but seeing the beauty of the land.
can you spot him in the fields?
Pastures of green rolled up the hill where Brock popped up and down out of the tall grass in full carefree joy, tail wagging non stop.
His enthusiasm was infectious as we continued walking, driven by sheer sea blast and seashore bliss.
The sea tumbled in with huge boulders of water showcasing her massive size and strength.
As we progressed, it dawned on me how nice it would be to make it all the way to Martin’s Bay, I enticed the team to keep walking.
Just around that “palm tree” will be Martin’s Bay, just around that next rock. A sure uprising was brewing as feet began to get weary with the thought of the long walk back.
Surely, we can hitchhike a lift back, or surely, we will find a willing taxi.
The thought of an icy cold Banks Beer at our destination kept our step in line.
On arrival, for sure, we were on a mission to get a lift back. Asking strangers, until we were saved by a friend, who came to our rescue in their pick up truck. Perfecto!
our way home
surrendering to the wisdom of blue bird
My clay sculpture says it all. My total surrender to the Higher Wisdom of Blue Bird.
As we played the Ukulele, singing into our fire, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. The words became us all, we watched the flame of life burning on. “Dreams really do come true!”
Awakening to my last morning, taking a long walk with the dogs, taking it all in, drinking with a serious thirst, to maintain and retain, to keep this Soul Land in my breath, as I made my journey back over the hill to Ego Land.
Aho Great Spirit!