It feels like walking on a happy cloud - yoga in beautiful Barbados
/I enjoy the challenge of a yoga class, the opportunity to be more close to my body or more aware ... the breathing exercises help to charge the body with energy.
I also enjoy practicing with Nathalie as she leads us to do it with purpose, funny enough, usually the purpose she sets goes exactly with the moment, with what I am going through or what I need to work on ..... to me yoga offers the opportunity to be more in touch with your inner/true self and helps manifest your spirit (as well as meditation of course).
I usually fight to go, I give myself many reasons to not go, or excuses, and I believe it is a big sabotage I do to myself as it really benefits me. Physically (for sure in other aspects as well) I am not very flexible, so I struggle more than one could imagine and once I finish the practice I feel that I succeed, then even though it is really challenging to me I can do it, so it gives me strength, confidence and also helps to build my character in the good way.
Most of all I enjoy the feeling of connection with something higher.
I love the feeling that I have right after practice, it is like walking on air or on a happy cloud.
I also enjoy the fact that the following days you feel the body really worked out!
Virginia H (yogini in Barbados)